Anytime you purchase a mattress, you’re naturally hoping to get years or even decades of use from it. This is a pursuit that’s easily attainable — as long as you know the right mattress materials to choose and the proper ways to care for your mattress through the years, of course.

Knowing the basics will help you not only select the right mattress, whether you need a smaller mattress option or something like a king or queen mattress, but also with elements like forecasting the lifespan of your mattress — and taking the right steps to maximize how long it will be useful for. Here are some of the top factors that play into how long a mattress can be expected to last.

Mattress Material

One of the single largest variables that determines the lifespan of your mattress is the material it’s made of.  Some materials are simply more durable than others, forcing you to replace your mattress less often. For example, innerspring mattresses will last longer than foam mattresses; and natural latex mattresses will generally last longer than memory foam versions.

The type and quality of the mattress’ materials is a tremendous factor into how quickly they begin to break down, which can cause problems long after you’ve purchased the mattress. Mattresses that feature a lot of synthetic materials — particularly those used in memory foam mattresses and pillow-top models — can easily breakdown within only six months or so.


While we wish it were not the case, the reality is that some mattress manufacturers are simply superior to others when it comes to building a long-lasting product that will stand the test of time. One way to avoid any issues of short mattress lifespan is by purchasing from a mattress company with its own manufacturing facilities, as this guarantees the same level of quality control throughout the making of each mattress — and not just through one or two phases, but all the way down the line.

Mattress Care and Maintenance

When you’re thinking about how long a mattress can last, it’s also crucial to take into consideration how well you’ll be caring for your mattress in the years to come. Keeping your mattress properly aerated will help prolong its useful life; and rotating it regularly can make sure both sides wear evenly.

Like in many other walks of life, this is an area where it pays to be proactive. Do your best to keep the dust mites and other allergens at bay by making a few small investments in a high-quality mattress protector and pillow protectors.

Pest Protection

While it should be a part of your regular maintenance for your mattress, we think it’s important enough to warrant its own section: Pest control is a major issue for mattress materials. The last thing you need is an infestation of bedbugs or other bugs that can damage the surfaces and fabrics of your mattress, which will cause it to breakdown faster than expected.

It’s a good idea to introduce a preventative measure against pests before you even bring a new mattress into your home, such as a mattress encasement or a well-sealed mattress box spring. Both of these products will help keep little critters from finding their way into your bed, which can lead to problems down the road.


Finally, one of the most important factors in how long a mattress will last is its warranty. While we can’t emphasis enough that you should always try to get along just fine without any outside assistance, there’s no denying that warranties are important — especially for major purchases like your bed and mattress, which can easily set you back thousands of dollars over time.

Be sure to keep these tips in mind as you look to determine the expected lifespan of any mattress you’re considering.