Learn from the experts. Doing the plumbing repairs yourself might save you money, but is it worthwhile? Read this guide before you start working on your home’s plumbing system.

Minor plumbing upgrades or repairs might only need little effort and a few tools, but some work can be challenging. In handling adhesives and solders and installing pipes and fittings, you have to be more informed. Like your HVAC unit, your plumbing has a massive role in keeping your home comfortable. Despite that, homeowners only think about their plumbing systems if one component stops working.

Most people will opt to handle the problem themselves, but it might be unwise. That’s because you tend to make common mistakes, which will lead to much more complex problems. Educate yourself about the mistakes you’re making when repairing your plumbing system to avoid them altogether.

It’ll allow you to better care for your home, causing them to last long. Here are a few plumbing mistakes that you should avoid during DIY repairs.

Doing Make-Do Repair Jobs

Most homeowners assume that doing temporary repairs and rushing through the job is wise. That’s especially the case if they’re in a hurry and are preparing for the holidays. In fact, rushing through the repair job will only complicate things, regardless of how rushed and pressured you might feel. Forgetting to turn the water off is one of the few common mistakes DIY enthusiasts make when repairing their plumbing systems.

It’s common knowledge to turn the water off. If the repair entails turning the water off, don’t risk it. Turning the valve or knob off will make the difference between a quick job and a gushing nightmare. When you’re in doubt, it’s best to call a 24-hour plumbing contractor.

Ignoring Your Hose in Winter

Burst frozen pipes are one of the common causes of devastating indoor floods. One tip to remember is disconnecting your hoses and turning off the water valve connected to the outdoor sprinklers during winter. Frozen pipes easily burst. That’s because water expands when it reaches its freezing point. Your water pipes can’t accommodate that.

Burst pipes will damage your basement, excessively damaging your appliances, walls, and floors. If you discovered the burst pipe a few hours after it happened, you might have already incurred thousands of dollars in damage. Or worse, the damage can be more complex if the leak damages the walls and floors. That’s because those leaks aren’t easy to find, allowing them to hide for months.

To lessen your burden, don’t forget your outdoor plumbing during winter. You’d want to focus on them before they freeze.

Using a Harsh Drain Cleaner

Most store-bought drain cleaners will have warnings on their bottles. Most cleaners designed to remove clogs and keep drains clean have harsh components. If you use them sparingly, they can keep your drains clean without any problems. But if the clog is persistent, using drain cleaners regularly will only cause more problems. Using too many drain cleaners will only damage your pipes, even if it’s from PVC or metal. Using haram chemicals might do the trick, but they can also cause more harm than good.

Frequent clogs can stem from items stuck in the pipe and usually stuck in a place where traditional tools can reach or where you can’t see. To address frequent clogs, call your local plumber for help. Your plumbers will have the experience and equipment needed to address the problem you’re having.

Taking on an Advanced Task

Most homeowners think they can do the repairs themselves, regardless of not having the experience and background needed. Or, a handyman might assume they can fix the problem because they’ve handled something similar in the past. But doing a repair job that exceeds your skills is unwise. Worse, it’s a plan that will cost you more money for repairs. Take your background into account before doing the repairs.

You can work with a handyman to install pre-made shower or tub surrounds, replace a section of the pipes, or install new fittings. You should know what your limits are.

Not Reading Your Local Laws

You might not be familiar with plumbing regulations, but your plumbers are! If you try to take on a project without checking the local laws, you might pay a hefty fine. Depending on the project’s scope, most cities will require a permit. For example, installing a toilet might require permits in other states, while only large-scale renovations will require permits in other areas. Understand the laws before you start working on your home.

Unlicensed repairs will only be frustrating in different ways. For example, you might have to deal with more issues aside from hiring a plumber. If it escalates into structural water damage, you might have to file a claim. However, insurance providers will not provide a claim if the problem results from unlicensed repairs.

Don’t be afraid to hire a reliable plumber to address the problems you’re dealing with, especially if you lack the experience needed or are new to the neighborhood.